“This is the biggest project of my entire life and I’m really, really pleased to be working with NCP; it’s been a really supportive and creative environment.”
Composer and friend Nina C. Young came to us with an idea for an opera about the Anthropocene in 2015 with text by librettist/bass vocalist Andrew R. Munn. Making Tellus invites us to deeply consider our role, from the beginning of our human existence, in writing the Earth's story. For this project, we are joined by exceptionally talented singers: Sharon Harms, Kate Maroney, Charlotte Mundy, and Munn, and the fabulous conductor Benjamin Grow. R. Luke Dubois also provided some beautiful visuals.
We got the ball rolling this summer by holding a 4-day workshop at Scholes Street Studio, where Young had ample time to test run some material, edit, and create a video. Young was especially savvy with DIY set design!
We wish composers could always have this kind of time to immerse themselves in their creative process with real bodies and instruments in a room instead of just playing things back from their computers. NCP understands the importance of creative time for composers and hopes to continue to support them in this way. You can help us do so by pledging to our Indiegogo campaign here, where you can get rewarded for your generosity for as little as $5!
Here are photos of the Making Tellus workshops, courtesy of Nina: