Thursday we had a creative meeting for our upcoming synesthesia-inspired music and art installation, Mysterium Novum.
Paul said, "Anne, are you telling me how to compose?"
Isabel and Sugar mostly took Instagrams and Snapchats. They were bestowed with the important task, however, of choosing the pastries. They also ate most of them.
Joel talked about his pretty flowers. They will respond to touch. Jeanette thought of ways to make them even prettier.
Beau brought a costume prototype, made of organza. ORGANZA EXTRAVAGANZA COMING TO MYSTERIUM NOVUM!
We walked through Anne's ribbons and it was magical.
Isabel's snazzy new necklace from Brazil
The #1 reason to collaborate with us: there will always be pastries from DAK at meetings
These two only came for the pastries
Lighting designer Jeanette Yew and composer/new media artist Joel Mellin bossing us around (JK!)
Anne giving us the scoop on her plan for MN
Flowers outside and inside on paper
This will be you in June!